To keep your business spirit alive in such a challenging year is difficult. With the global pandemic affecting the economy nowadays, a lot of businesses have been hit hard.
But even before 2020, it was already apparent that an increasing number of young entrepreneurs have ventured in different types of businesses. This suggests a significant change in people’s views with the younger generation (and even the older ones) preferring not to become employees or ordinary office workers anymore Instead, many are motivated to start their own business and be the boss.
And once you’ve come to that realisation, you’re surely confronted with this question:
How can I start my own business? Is this even possible?
When you have very little knowledge and experience with running a business, it’s often best that you find a mentor who can assist and guide you. A business coach is someone who can keep you on the right track towards building your own business, while providing you with quality training that will equip you with the knowledge and skills to get you started.
In DDDC, we’re proud to have a team of qualified coaches who have professional training and certifications. Book a call >> (see the booking form on the right) with us so we can help you start your small business, online business, or any kind of business you have in mind.
Through the help of your coach, you can definitely keep your business spirit alive.
And as soon as you embark on the business world, the very first step you need is for you to have your entrepreneurial spirit. Having that enables you to start a business and survive running your business through the test of time.
Here are 7 tips you can do to help keep your business spirit alive:
- Start with a business idea.
You can’t be an entrepreneur if you don’t have a business idea. Everyone starts with an idea, no matter how small it is. As you go along, sharpen your ideas until you come up with a unique and exciting business that you’d love to do. This usually kicks off your business spirit, which later on allows you to keep your financial spirit alive as well. - Create specific targets and detailed plans.
Targets and plans help you set clear goals, and make you more ready to venture in a new business. You can easily create business steps that can be followed and executed. This also allows for an easier way to measure your goals. Having plans and targets also keeps you motivated to uphold an increasingly complex business from time to time. - Learn from other people’s stories.
Stories of other entrepreneurs can be your guide too. Having a stronger business spirit does not always mean learning from the books or your own experience. Sometimes, other people’s business adventures and success stories can give you new insights and motivations to establish your own business.This is why having a business coach who has a rich background in the industry can be a great advantage for you. Why? Because their experience working with various clients who own different businesses combined with their personal experience in the business world can be valuable inputs that can guide you and at the same time strengthen your foundations.
Having the trusted coach can even foster your financial spirit, helping you build a business that’s financially healthy as well.
- Earn a stronger determination and intention.
And while you’re embarking on a new business challenge for yourself, it is necessary that you have a strong determination and intention. Do not just start a business because it is the trend. Or, because it is what your friends are doing now. Or, simply because that’s what you see in your neighborhood. Wanting to establish your own business must be rooted in a strong determination that is not temporary or superficial.
When you’re able to increase your determination and have a clear intention in starting a small business, you’re sure to overcome any business challenge (minor or major) that will come your way in the future.
- Calculate future risks.
Any business can be risky. And as an entrepreneur, it is important that you build a business that is measurable and with identified risks. Determine the business risks that might arise before you start your business. By calculating the risks before they exist, you can develop a better countermeasure when the risks arise.
- Join entrepreneurial study rooms.
There are plenty of classes, training, and study rooms designed for all beginners in the business world. This is one surefire way to keep your business spirit alive as you’re able to follow experts in the field. You can ask questions directly from business practitioners, and even ask for suggestions that can be applied directly to your business. These kinds of classes can be extremely functional for you to follow, and will give you a clear direction for your business.Your business coach or financial coach can introduce you to high quality classes and training programs that can help you succeed in your business.
- Be brave.
When you decide to join the business world, that means you are ready for all the challenges. Although keeping your financial spirit and business spirit is a huge endeavor in this industry, it is something that you can really do. No doubt.So you must grow courage as a way to improve your entrepreneurial spirit. In other words, you must not be easily intimidated by competitors who seem to perform better than your business.
You must also keep an optimistic outlook rather than getting easily frustrated by detractors.
By viewing competition as a challenge, you will not be easily discouraged and give up. Rather, you will be more motivated to fight and develop.
Starting a business is hard. Making it grow is doubly harder. But being brave to stay and to keep moving forward as you reach for your goals is not impossible. As long as you keep your business spirit alive, any business challenge is going to be a piece of cake.
If you need professional help from a business coach, do not hesitate to book a coaching session with us so you can decide how the trusted coaches of DDDC can collaborate with you.
Know more about our coaching program here.